
Greenhill Primary School

Gallwn Gyda'n Gilydd Together We Can


Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Newsletter October 2023

    Fri 27 Oct 2023

    Welcome to our October newsletter. 


    As always here at Greenhill, we have been very busy with lots happening! 

    We are very proud of the learning that is happening across the school! I’m sure those of you who follow us on X (Twitter) are enjoying seeing the messages and photographs of some fantastic work and experiences. 

    We invite all families to follow us on X, search for @greenhill10 and you will find us.


    We pride ourselves on offering children a range of experiences whilst at Greenhill Primary. Over the past 8 weeks various children across the school have been on educational visits, to St Fagans for example, and worked with visitors to the school, including musicians to teach drum, guitar, dood and p-buzz. 

    We have also ensured that our children’s learning extends beyond the general curriculum, including workshops on climate change, the Ambulance Service working with our older children to increase their knowledge of CPR and defibrillator use to save lives, and Dosbarth Gwyrdd working with Kerbcraft to increase their awareness of road safety.


    Report to Parents

    The Governing Body report to parents is now available on the school website


    Costume Swap

    Many thanks to those families who donated halloween costumes. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

    After half-term, Mrs Gould will contact families about our Christmas Jumper Swap. This was very popular last year, so dig out the old jumpers that no longer fit and we will see if we can find them new homes.



    Please ensure we are kept up-to-date with any changes of phone number or address.

    SeeSaw is our preferred method of communication. It is essential that all parents and carers download the SeeSaw app so you can keep up to date with letters and messages. 


    Healthy Eating

    Thank you for supporting us with our drive for healthy snacks. It has been lovely to see the number of children enjoying the healthy free school meals. Please note that from next term, sweets eg lollies, haribos and winders, will not be permitted in packed lunch boxes

    Welcome Abigail Evans

    We are very pleased to inform parents and carers that Abi Evans has joined our staff at Greenhill. Abi has been filling the big shoes left by Janet Davies in the school office for some time now and we are pleased to say that she is to join us permanently.


    Dates for Your Diary

    06.11.23 Flu Immunisations taking place in school

    08.11.23 School Photo Day

    27.11.23 Foundation Phase trip to Colliers Farm

    07.12.23 KS2 Christmas trip to BMI Panto

    08.12.23 Silver Class Christmas trip

    11.12.23 KS2 Christmas Concert (afternoon 1pm)

    12.12.23 KS2 Christmas Concert (evening 6pm)

    13.12.23 Foundation Phase Concert 10am

    14.12.23 Foundation Phase Concert 10am

    20.12.23 Christmas Party


    As always, thank you all for your continued support, showing that together we can all strive for the best for our children. 

    Lisa Jones          Head Teacher

  • Spooky Disco

    Mon 23 Oct 2023 E Gould

    Our Halloween disco is on Wednesday 25th October. We are asking that all children come to school dressed in their Halloween constumes and give a £1 donation to the PTA. The infant disco will be within the school day between 2pm-3pm, Infant children can bring £1.50 to school and they will be provided with a packet of crisps, a drink and sweets. Infants are to be collected from their classroom doors as normal at 3.15pm. The junior's can then stay in school for their disco, which will take place 3.15pm till 4.30pm. There will be sweets, crisps and drinks on sale for the children to buy. Junior children to be collected from the school hall at 4.30pm.

  • Halloween Swap Shop

    Thu 19 Oct 2023 Mrs Gould

    Pop along to the hall at 3.15pm on Friday 20th October to take a look at all the spooky costumes that will be on sale. We've had some fantastic costumes donated- all for sale for £1. the proceeds from the sale go the PTA. 

    Thank you for all your support, look forward to seeing you there.

  • Mike Church visited year 5 this week to discuss climate change and introduce his new book Penguins on the Run.

    Thu 12 Oct 2023 Mrs Gould
  • Social Media Use

    Thu 05 Oct 2023

    Dear parents and carers,

    It has come to our attention that some children are using social media sites, such as TikTok and Instagram, despite being younger than the age restrictions for these platforms. We ask parents and carers to closely and carefully monitor all platforms that children may access.


    TikTok, despite an age limit of 13 years, appears to be popular, so we thought it wise to share some information and guidance:

    - TikTok enables users to access a range of videos and recordings including some with inappropriiate content, such as swearing or sexual content.

    - It can be a good idea to sit in on some of your child's TikTok sessions to get insight into what they're doing on the platform, the content they're consuming, the videos they make, and whether their behaviour, and that of their peer group, is appropriate.


    TikTok offers several privacy control settings and safety features for younger users, including:

    - Push notifications will be disabled after 9pm for kids aged 13 to 15 and 10pm for teenagers aged 16 to 17

    - Children under 16 cannot access direct messages

    - When someone aged under 16 publishes their first video, a pop-up message will be displayed explaining their privacy options

    - However, there's no age-verification process, so a child under 13 could sign up for a TikTok account without being checked.


    Can I monitor my child's TikTok?

    You can search for and follow your child's TikTok account to see what they post. However, you can't see which videos your child is watching, which accounts they interact with or the comments or messages they send or receive.

    You may want to consider sharing an account with your child through TikTok's Family Pairing feature, so you can see what they're watching and posting.

    It can be a good idea to have conversations about social media and your concerns while also asking them what they like to search for and what they enjoy watching.


    TikTok privacy settings are key to keeping your child's account private and online activity safe. For example: Private account Making your child's account private is an effective way to prevent them from contacting strangers online. Any videos they share will only be seen by people they have approved as a follower. You can make a TikTok account private by selecting the three-dots on your child's profile page in the top right corner. Then on the Settings and Privacy page, select Privacy and Safety. You'll then be able to toggle the switch to select Private Account. But keep in mind that even with a private account, usernames, profile photos and bios are still visible to everyone on the platform.


    Privacy settings

    When you set your child's account to private, you can also change other privacy features such as sending direct messages and allowing comments on your child's videos. Digital wellbeing TikTok has a password-protected digital wellbeing feature that alerts users if they use the app for over two hours. You can also switch on "restricted mode" to filter out unsuitable content.


    What are parents' main concerns with TikTok?

    - Parents have shared their concerns over offensive language being used in some of the videos posted on TikTok, making it unsuitable for young children.

    - Many parents are understandably concerned about the idea of strangers connecting with their children on the app.

    - With no formal age verification process, children under the age of 13 can sign up with a false age, or over 13s can sign up without their parent's knowledge.


    Tips to keep your child safe on TikTok

    Before you let your child loose on TikTok, check out these tips to ensure they always have a positive experience on the app.

    - Talk to them about cyberbullying. Unfortunately, cyberbullying is prevalent on many social media platforms, including TikTok. Users can leave hurtful or inappropriate comments, so it's a good idea to talk about what to do if they experience cyberbullying or see others experience cyberbullying.

    - Make their account private. To make a TikTok account private, tap on the three dots in the top corner of their account profile page, select Privacy and Settings and then Privacy and Safety from the options. You can then choose whether to have a "Private Account".

    - Be aware of what is shared. Talk to your children about what is acceptable for them to post and what isn't. Encourage them to think carefully about everything they post and who might see it.

    - Get to grips with the guidelines. Like most social media platforms, TikTok has community guidelines for what is and isn't acceptable on the app. Make sure you and your child have read them to know what is and isn't allowed.

    - Know how to report and when. Make sure you know what is considered unacceptable behaviour and how to report users, videos or comments that are abusive or inappropriate.


    Does TikTok have parental controls?

    There are some parental controls on TikTok. While you can set time limits and content filters on your child's phone, you can use parental controls directly on their account. On your child's profile, tap the three dots in the top right and select Digital Wellbeing next to the umbrella icon. You can then choose which features you want to enable.


    Screen Time Management: This limits time spent on the app to a maximum of two hours a day, but you can also limit it to 40 minutes if you prefer. Restricted Mode: This function blocks mature content, although children using the app on their own can still come across videos that aren't suitable for their age. Alternatively, there's the option of creating your own TikTok account and using Family Pairing to manage your child's account settings with your phone.


    Finally, please be aware that the minimum age restriction for TikTok is 13.
