
Greenhill Primary School

Gallwn Gyda'n Gilydd Together We Can


Spring Term

Topic Overview Map - Rivers.

January 2020. 


Our topic this half term is ‘Rivers’.


Our class book will be ‘Foodland’ by Marcus Sedgwick. It is a very exciting book and we cannot wait to get started.

During this half term we will be researching the journey of a river and learning lots of new vocabulary.  We will locate rivers on maps and label the different parts of a river. From this we will be able to create our own river explanation texts.

Over the next few weeks we will also look at flooding, how and why do floods occur? What damage can be caused from severe flooding? We will link this with our numeracy and will be calculating the costs of the repairs.

World rivers is another part of this topic, we will research different rivers in the world and compare the lengths of them.

We are going to continue to use our fantastic ICT skills across all areas of the curriculum to enhance our learning.

In our Science lessons we will be learning all about ‘Living Things and their Habitat’. We will be classifying and grouping a range of different animals, looking at the different habitats and how each animal is suited to that habitat, life cycles, the parts of a plant and many more interesting topics.


Please look at our topic overview map for more information on our new topic!
