
Greenhill Primary School

Gallwn Gyda'n Gilydd Together We Can


What is ALN?

What is ALN?

Additional Learning needs, often referred to as ‘ALN’, is a new term used to describe learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for a child to learn compared to children of the same age. Approximately one in five learners in Wales have Additional Learning Needs (ALN).


All children may experience challenges with their learning at some point and for most children, these difficulties overcome with support from teachers and home.  However, children with ALN are likely to need extra or different help to be able to learn.


Some children may have ALN because of a medical condition or disability, other children may have ALN without a diagnosis or disability.  Children are not considered to have ALN just because their first language is not English or Welsh.


The definition of ‘additional learning needs’ (ALN) is very similar to the current definition of special educational needs.  The major difference is that it can be used for children and young people from 0 – 25


The ALNET Wales Act 2018 (Part 2, Chapter 1)  (Chapter 2 ALN Code)  says:

A person has additional learning needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability (whether the learning difficulty or disability arises from a medical condition or otherwise) which calls for additional learning provision.

Importantly, the definition of ALN covers learners whose learning difficulty or disability that arises from a medical condition.


A child or young person would not have ALN if their lack of progress or learning difficulties can be addressed through differentiated teaching of the kind that is usually available in schools or colleges.

Additional learning needs (“ALN”) can affect a child or young person’s ability to learn. For example, someone’s ALN might affect their:

  • reading and writing
  • ability to understand things
  • behaviour or ability to socialise and communicate
  • concentration levels
  • physical ability