
Greenhill Primary School

Gallwn Gyda'n Gilydd Together We Can


Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • OurSchoolsApp no longer in use

    Tue 23 Nov 2021 S Holloway

    Good afternoon, prynhawn da,


    We are no longer using the OurSchoolsApp programme. If you have this app still installed on your device you are free to uninstall it.


    PLEASE NOTE this message does not refer to the SeeSaw apps, keep those! DO NOT UNINSTALL SEESAW!

  • Self-Isolating Latest Advice

    Mon 22 Nov 2021 S Holloway


    As I’m sure many of you are aware we are currently experiencing significant levels of illness in the school. This has meant that we need to contact parents when children show any symptoms linked to Covid-19 whilst in school. Therefore we felt it would be useful to share the latest guidelines regarding self-isolating and when to get a PCR test.


    Changes from 29 October 2021

    If you develop COVID-19 symptoms at any point, no matter how mild, regardless of your vaccine status and you are over age 5, you should immediately self-isolate and arrange a COVID-19 PCR test and self-isolate for 10 days if the test is positive.

    Self-isolation means that you do not leave the house. You should self-isolate straight away if you have symptoms and until you receive the results of a COVID-19 PCR test.


    Fully vaccinated or aged 5 to 17

    If someone in your household has symptoms or has tested positive you should self-isolate and take a PCR test. If your test is negative you can stop isolating. PLEASE NOTE, an LFD test is not sufficient in these cases. Lateral flow tests are not good at finding the virus in people who aren’t infectious yet (i.e. early in the infection). The PCR tests are better at finding very small amounts of the virus, especially early in infection, so these are used primarily in people who have symptoms and can be booked through the NHS website.


    Not fully vaccinated

    If someone in your household has tested positive and you are not fully vaccinated you should self-isolate for 10 days. You should take a PCR test on day 2 and day 8. You should self-isolate for 10 days even if your tests are negative.


    Children aged under 5

    Children aged under 5 do not have to self-isolate or take a test if they have been a contact of a positive case. They can get tested if parents feel that a PCR test is necessary and in the best interests of the child. However, we advise that children who show symptoms should be kept home from school or childcare until they are well enough to return.


    Shared child responsibility during self-isolation

    Child with symptoms or who has tested positive

    Parents and guardians should avoid moving a child with COVID-19 symptoms or who has tested positive, between households.

    If parents and guardians share responsibility of the child, the child should stay with 1 family for the time they need to self-isolate. This is to reduce any possible spread of the virus.

    If it is not possible to stay with 1 family, the child can move between both households. The child must continue to self-isolate for the full 10 day period. Anyone in the household they leave must self-isolate for 10 days unless they are exempt (as defined earlier in this guidance). Anyone in the household they go to must start their 10 day self-isolation period when the child arrives, unless they are exempt.


    We greatly appreciate your understanding, patience and cooperation as we work together to keep everybody safe and well in these challenging circumstances.



    S Holloway

    Deputy Headteacher

  • Parent Letter 15/11/2021

    Mon 15 Nov 2021

                                                                              15th November 2021

    Dear Parents/carers,

    RE: Gwent Covid-19 Community Level of Risk – VERY HIGH

    Thank you for your continued support with helping us keep our school communities as safe as possible in relation to Covid-19 so far this term. You may be aware that the community risk level across the Gwent region has now been increased to Very High. This change in risk level means that we have needed to review our school based risk assessment and increase the number of control measures that we have in place.

    In order to continue to keep our pupils, staff and families safe we will would like to remind you of that Face Masks - these should be worn by all adults whilst on school site – including at pick up/drop off time.

    Social distancing measures are in place across the school between adults and between adults and children where possible.


    We ask that you please continue to support us by not sending your child to school if they are unwell. If they, or any member of your household, are experiencing any of the main three symptoms of Covid-19, then please self-isolate immediately and book a PCR test as soon as possible.

    It is important to note that we are facing significant staffing challenges at the moment and our ability to arrange supply staff to cover classes for unwell staff members is becoming increasingly difficult. As such, it may become necessary to revert to distance learning for individual classes at short notice as we may become unable to maintain safe staff/pupil ratios. If this does become the case we will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible using our normal messaging services. We will only take this course of action if we have no alternative.

    We thank you in advance for your continued cooperation and support with the above matters. We completely understand how difficult some of the restrictions above may be for you and your family, and are working hard to minimise the disruption to children and their education.

    Yours sincerely,

    Lisa Jones


    Greenhill Primary School

  • Social Media Warning

    Mon 15 Nov 2021 S Holloway

    We have been asked to share a messaage from Caerphilly County Council regarding inappropriate use of social media by pupils in the county.

    Here at Greenhill we encourage all parents and carers to supervise children's use of various social media platforms (please be aware that for many platforms the suggested age limit is 13 or 16) and to be vigilant of what children are posting and who they are in contact with.


    From Caerphilly county Borough Council


    Dear Parent / Guardian,

    Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that social media accounts have been set up on platforms such as TikTok, that are designed to look like official school accounts, to which pupils have been uploading short videos.

    Recent incidents have involved inappropriate posts and videos being uploaded to such accounts that are offensive, discriminatory or defamatory.  Such posts cause distress to others and may be illegal.

    We would kindly request that you speak to your child / children and remind them of the dangers associated with the misuse of social media in this way and that activity of the kind described above could lead to serious consequences.

    If the perpetrator of offensive content is found to be a pupil at a school within the county borough, they will be dealt with according to that school’s disciplinary policy and could be reported to the police for further action if appropriate.

    You may also wish to check your children's devices / social media accounts to ensure any inappropriate videos, pictures or other content is deleted.

    Schools will continue to monitor social media channels including TikTok in future and will take action as and when appropriate.

    Pupils should also be reminded that they are not permitted to film on school premises without prior permission of the school.

    Thank you for your co-operation in this matter and let’s work together to keep our children and young people safe online.


    Keri Cole

    Keri Cole, Chief Education Officer



    Annwyl Riant/Warcheidwad,

    Yn anffodus, mae wedi dod i’n sylw bod cyfrifon cyfryngau cymdeithasol wedi’u sefydlu ar lwyfannau fel TikTok, sydd wedi’u cynllunio i edrych fel cyfrifon ysgol swyddogol, ac mae disgyblion wedi bod yn uwchlwytho fideos byr iddyn nhw.

    Mae digwyddiadau diweddar wedi golygu bod postiadau a fideos amhriodol wedi cael eu huwchlwytho i gyfrifon o'r fath sy'n sarhaus, yn wahaniaethol neu'n ddifenwol. Mae postiadau o'r fath yn achosi trallod i eraill a gallan nhw fod yn anghyfreithlon.

    Rydyn ni’n gofyn yn garedig i chi siarad â'ch plant chi a'u hatgoffa o'r peryglon sy'n gysylltiedig â chamddefnyddio cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn y modd hwn, ac y gallai gweithgaredd o'r math sydd wedi’i ddisgrifio uchod arwain at ganlyniadau difrifol.

    Os mae’r sawl sy'n creu ac yn postio’r cynnwys tramgwyddus yma yn ddisgyblion mewn ysgol yn y Fwrdeistref Sirol, byddan nhw’n cael eu trin yn unol â pholisi disgyblu'r ysgol honno, ac mae’n bosibl y bydd yr heddlu yn cael gwybod am gamau pellach os yw'n briodol.

    Efallai yr hoffech chi wirio dyfeisiau/cyfrifon cyfryngau cymdeithasol eich plant hefyd i sicrhau bod unrhyw fideos, lluniau neu gynnwys arall amhriodol yn cael eu dileu.

    Bydd ysgolion yn parhau i fonitro sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol, gan gynnwys TikTok, yn y dyfodol a byddan nhw’n gweithredu fel y bo'n briodol.

    Dylai’r disgyblion gael eu hatgoffa hefyd nad ydyn nhw’n cael ffilmio ar dir yr ysgol heb ganiatâd yr ysgol o flaen llaw.

    Diolch am eich cydweithrediad yn y mater hwn, a gadewch i ni weithio gyda'n gilydd i gadw ein plant a'n pobl ifanc ni yn ddiogel ar-lein.

    Yn ddiffuant,

    Keri Cole

    Keri Cole, Prif Swyddog Addysg.





    Mon 08 Nov 2021 S Holloway

    The girls will be bringing home letters today about a trip to Lewis Girls' school on Friday. Please can you ensure that the permission slips are returned to class ASAP. They will be leaving at approximately 12.15 and return to school before the end of the day. All girls will need a packed lunch; children who recieve free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch. Diolch, S Holloway
